Google SEO Keywords

Place your most valuable keywords in:

  • Body of the text. No brainer, right? Remember not to just use the same keywords over and over again. Add in modifiers (ex. “best”, “top”)and long-tails.
  • Title. Having the keyword in your title will improve your CTR from the SERP. (See our title tag guide for more help with writing SEO-friendly titles.)
  • Subheads. Subheadings/H2 headings are valuable spots for Google SEO keywords.

Your work is not over yet! Don’t forget to add Google SEO keywords into the:

  • Meta title: The meta title appears in search engine results. Use some solid keyword here.
  • Meta description: This description appears below your link in Google. Write an engaging meta description that includes relevant keywords to boost your click-through rate.
  • Image file names/ALT attributes: First of all, include pictures in your Google SEO content! Pictures are attractive and appealing for readers, and Google also likes them. Use the keyword in the file names (e.g., how-to-catch-fish.jpg). Also use the ALT attribute to tell search engines and users what the picture is with a keyword.
  • Anchor text: Link to your new page from several other pages on your site, using your keyword as the anchor text. This makes it easy for Google crawlers to find and rank your page.